Is #Gotham (TV Show with Young Bruce Wayne) in the same universe as Supergirl (in the Arrowverse, not 'Under da Sea' or wherever the 80s Movie's Kara lived)?

That question is dealt-with in a discussion linked through 'the main word' below. I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the first words' bases ...

The city-name “Gothammay be built on ancient words that mean "Gothic + Town," but it could've been inspired by Washington Irving's name for New York City (in his Salmagundi) based on "The Merrie Tales of the Mad Men of Gottam"---whose name may be built on "Enclosure (Homestead) where the |Goats are kept." #GothamCity #Gothamite

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I tried to find 'one o` those "Which Character Am I"-tests' that scan your Facebook-page and find their answers there; but the closest I could find (though its answers might be 'more up-to-date' ... if there's a better, Facebook-scanning test, you can tell me about it in the comments) was a short 'quizony' I shared on Facebook:
That came with the description:

You’re still a kitten so you haven’t yet discovered exactly how mean you’re going to be yet! Not really a villain, you run more toward the anti-hero side of the crime ledger and while you do break a few laws you always seem to land on your feet!

Looking for the answer to 'the question in the subject-line,' I saw that lots of others want to know:
