#Belle: the @Disney-Character that I'm Most-Like (according to @BuzzFeed) | @ThisisTheTake

That BuzzFeed-quiz that graded me as "Belle" (from Beauty and the Beast) is linked through 'the main name' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that namebetter. And I find that you understand names better when you look at the other words at the bases of the names ...

The name “Belle or #Bella #Issy #Izzy #Ibbie #Sabella #Libbie #Libby” (aside from its obvious |Beauty-meaning, and the name of the Southern Woman trope) is short for #Isabella (or other names that end in belle), the Latin form of #Isabel (or #Isa #Izabel), 
Medieval Occitan form of #Elizabeth (or #Liz #Lizzie #Elisabeth #Elsabeth #Elyzabeth #Bess #Bessie #Beth #Betsy #Bette #Betty #Bettye #Buffy #Elisa #Eliza #Ella #Elle #Ellie #Elly #Elsa #Elsie #Elyse #Leanna #Leesa #Liana #Liddy #Lilian #Lilianna #Lilibeth #Lillian #Lilliana #Lillie #Lisa #Liza #Lizbeth #Lizette #Lizzy #Lyanna), built on ancient (Hebrew) words that mean "my Oath of God" (or maybe "my God is an oath").

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You're just like Belle from Beauty and the Beast! You tend to keep to yourself, but it's usually just because you're living in your daydreams or thinking about your favorite fictional worlds. People often underestimate you, but you're an incredibly smart and independent person. You may seem quiet and introverted, but you've got big opinions and aren't afraid to defend what you believe in.

Image: Disney
