Are #AffiliateNetworks a 21st-Century Version of #Malls (i.e. #ShoppingMalls)?

I've felt for a long time that I ought to organize my affiliate-network connections into 'a #ShoppingMall (so I know where to send you for Books & Videos & other items ... now that Amazon has revealed itself as a (grumble-grumble-etc.

But I'm procrastinating for a moment by first showing you 'the group of words' that support "that word" (below hyperlinked to 'my mall-page' ... eventually) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Malls” was the name of a |Shaded Walkway that served as a |Promenade, so-named because it's where children would go to play #PallMall. #Mall #MallRats #OutletMall #MiniMall
The game-name "Pall-Mall" is built on ancient words that mean "Ball (|Balloon) + |Mallet (|Hammer (Crush, |Grind))."

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I guess I would think of affiliate-networks as 'more-like mall "franchises"' (like ... I guess 'Walmart'? like you tell your roommate, "I'm going to Walmart" the same way kids used to tell each other "Let's Go to The Mall!"

Anyway, 'Affiliate Networks' look like "online malls" to us 'publishers' (maybe 'what I am' (a blog-writer, or a blogger) is "less than a publisher"--which is more like an executive of Google and/or -BlogSpot (or however the ownership works there)--but "publisher" is what affiliate-networks like to call us).

And then--using the affiliate-networks' connections--we present them to readers as another mall (a mini-mall?) to our readers.
