#AllAboutStarTrek's #WarpDrive (or #AllAboutWarpDrive from @StarTrek) ... so, you go really-really-really fast; right? @Wikipedia #InfiniteWarp #WarpSpeed #WarpThreshold #Warp10 #Warp
I just watched the STAR TREK: VOYAGER episode "Threshold," where~ ... I know you've had about a decade to see it, but—

okay? anyway ... where Lieutenant Paris breaks the warp-threshold (goes faster than previously-thought possible ... at which point he's (theoretically) 'at every point in the universe simultaneously,' begins to mutate to 'what humans will evolve into in a million years,' captures Captain Janeway & puts her through the mutation process, and–after they both evolve into post-human amphibious lizards–bears offspring of their new species ... when the Voyager-crew captures them & The EMH radiates-&-kills their new DNA and they become human again.
I'm not sure if their past 'post-humanity' or their new species offspring ever come up later in the series (in which Paris even goes on to marry another crew-member and they have a daughter on their voyage home), but this episode gave me some big ideas.

(Captain Pike–in the original
pilot-episode of the original STAR
TREK-series–called the speed
"Time Warp!")
Then my mind goes back to that 'existing at every point in the universe simultaneously,' and ... stuff comes flooding-in—'every point? simultaneously?... omnipresence? godlike-ness? Was Tom the ancestor of The Q?'
Also, there was a little bit of a 'falsehood' in the episode: when Paris 'broke the threshold,' it seems he should've been out-of-contact; but in the episode, he was still in conversation with Voyager for a good 5-or-6 seconds (beyond the threshold) before he was unable-to-communicate with them!... Maybe we need to review 'exactly what warp-drive is.'
'Warp' (below-hyperlinked to the Wikipedia for Warp Drive) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Warp” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Turn , |Bend" (for all definitions—the verb (to Twist, Distort), the noun (Threads that run Lengthwise in a Fabric ... perpendicular to The Weave), and the Astrophysics-term for 'the Bending of Space-Time').
Often I 'get to thinking' that warp-speed works the same way 'wormholes' do (a word that illustrates the difference between 'a worm traveling from one point on an apple to the other by crawling over the surface or -by digging through the center'). Maybe that's how it works inside the warp-drive, but outside it's measured just like with running, cars, planes, etc.
... I just saw 'the original pilot-episode (with Nimoy's Spock being the goofy grinning First Officer under Captain Christopher Pike)' and ... "Time Warp" might be the result of a line-flub by Jeffrey Hunter---it sounded like he was supposed to be 'we'll be there in 5 hours' time. Warp Factor 7!' but it came out 'we'll be there in 5 hours. Time-Warp Factor 7!' (Although Spock repeated that flub when he gave the command "Time Warp Factor 6!" later ... I'll search around about that some more---later)
Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
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