#Urgo (creation of #Togar of #StargateAddressP4X884) reminds me What Fascinated Me with The #Phantom of the Opera | #Tokar

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Re-watching STARGATE SG1, I see an episode about 'when SG-1 goes to the planet at P4X-884.' The moment they leave Earth ...
... they believe they pop right back to Earth, but Gen. Hammond tells them then & there that they were gone for 15 hours. They find out that they've each gotten a small device implanted in their brain, which uses a shared hallucination to encourage them to gain more experience.

Most-likely, their experiences were to be recorded in the devices ... which 'the resident of P4X-884' (Togar) was planning to extract from them on their return to his planet. But 'their shared hallucination' (Urgo) starts to exhibit signs of sentience (self-awareness, fear of death), so they negotiated with Togar to instead take Urgo (putting Urgo into his own brain).

And I remembered the lyrics, "The Pha-a-a-a-a-antom of the Opera is there ... inside your mind!"    

'Those words' (below-hyperlinked to a post on the 'legendocracium' of STARGATE) are built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The name “Urgo” is built on words that mean “Therefore (ergo from 'Cogito ergo sum (I Think therefore I am)'” (though it might be "Urge," as Urgo could only 'urge' SG-1's members to act but -could not force them to do things they didn't want to). 
The name of his apparently-human creator–“Togar”–is a lot like a Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic)- and Ukrainian-occupational surname (Tokar) that means “Turner (Axel-, Bobbin-, Bone Mould-, Bowl-, Dish-, Engine-, Iron-, Jigger-, Pole-, Roll-, Spade Tree-, Silk Engine-, Stock-, Watch Engine-Turner ... the alien's (human's) name might also be based in "to Toke" (because ... you know ...) or "Toga"). 
The name “Phantom” is built on words that mean “to Shine” (Spirit, Spectre, Ghost, having the Form- but not the Substance-of a Real Thing).

Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
 me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
