#TabloidMediaOverload kept me from seeing that #OklahomaGazette @okGazette Hopes We Keep Our Shopping-Dollars #Local | #ShopLocal #Locally #Locality #Locale #Localize

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Oklahoma Gazette has been posting some 'public-service announcements' on the back of their recent issues, and their latest one reads:
Every business advertising in this issue pays more tax than Amazon.
Shop 100% Local this Holiday Season 
Fiercely Local and Independent 
I'm not "defending" Amazon or Jeff Bezos, but I had to 'straighten them out' on ... you could call it "semantics":
Shame! Shame! Boooooooooo! (imagine hearing that from the old hag at Princess Buttercup's wedding-announcement in The Princess Bride)
about your 'righteous indignation' with "Every business advertising in this issue pays more tax than Amazon." My reaction: 'I should hope so! Amazon is not "a citizen of the United States (let alone -of Oklahoma)!"' 
Of course, neither are 'the other businesses'; they are all "tools for business-people to ply their trade." Maybe 'each PERSON advertising in the issue pays more tax than Amazon's Jeff Bezos.' 
I do suppose your point may have been that "shopping local" ensures that more money will go into local community-projects rather than Jeff Bezos' bank-account ... maybe you ought to have generalized 'Each Oklahoman advertising in this issue pays more tax than The Online Retailers.'
I dunno ... maybe I started-out defending Jeff Bezos; but then I did a little searching and found out that a) he doesn't pay dividends to shareholders at Amazon–"investing it all back into the company" instead–and b) not-paying-taxes has always been a secret-of-Amazon's-success (probably one of the biggest 'pulls' I use when I want someone to buy a product I promote is that you might not have to pay sales tax!).

But the point–as I mentioned in the letter–was not 'that Jeff Bezos does-or-doesn't deserve the money he gets'; it's 'that the money you spend on Amazon isn't going to local infrastructure as surely as it would if you spent it at local businesses.'

'That word' (below-hyperlinked to Issuu's 'broadcast' of the Oklahoma Gazette-issue) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Local” is built on words that mean “a Place, |Spot” (|Locus).

Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
 me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
