#AntiRumination (Getting the Hate Outta My Head): Silly Thought, that People are #Ashamed to be Seen with Me | #Shameful #Shame #Unashamed #Shaming

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My roommate & her best friend went to a musical the other night. And I found out when she posted a picture of 'them at the theater' on Facebook.

... or maybe she had told me, and the picture was shared weeks-&-weeks later. But it got me thinking  thoughts I shouldn't think ...
I get thinking all this bad stuff about myself, and–if I don't
 reason it out consciously (and point out how clearly-wrong the thought
 is)–my subconscious mind is liable to take the bad thoughts
 as "absolutely true" and ruminate on them like they were multiplication-
tables or anatomy-charts!)

... It got me thinking of a musical I had been to a few months ago. And how I'm not in any pictures from the event—none I know-of anyway ...

there! I'm already getting over it; I bet several of my pathologist-friends were there & don't have any 'pics on Facebook' to show for it! Not because any of us were ashamed to be there, but because the joy of our fellowship and the shining quality of the performance were so fulfilling that we didn't need photographs to make the event memorable!

But 'that word' (below-hyperlinked to a review of the musical I went-to)—it's built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Ashamed” is most-likely built on “to |Cover (as 'covering one's face or -one's ugliness' was/is a universal symbol of 'shame')” (Reluctant through Fear of shame, |Cheek-Redness/|Blush, Dis|grace, Dis|honor, |Modesty, |Bashfulness).

Or maybe I'm looking at it wrong—that's one reason
 Our Father God said "It is not good for the man to be
 alone":  "Because the man'll think he's right until someone else shows
 him why he's not"—Won't you show me
 if I'm right-or-wrong in the comments below?
