One Way #TheTrumpYears Prove a Truth #LordJesusChrist Spoke: #Consensus (Verdict of 'the Jury'?) = Truth

You hear a lot of lies about Trump (I'm thinking 'your mind' wants to interrupt there, "Yuh mean 'a buncha lies from Trump!'" NO! Yes, many of the things Trump says are not true; but that's not what I'm talking about)—the latest one I've heard is "Trump is a racist."

No, he's not. I'm sure you (like lots of people you've seen across the media-landscape) can reply, "Yes, he is," and provide lots of 'evidence' that proves it (his eviction of black families from his apartment-buildings, his hiring of white people to positions that black- or latino-people would fill better, his doddering tweets about how some people should 'go back to their native countries & fix the governments there' ...)

None of which you can prove were "racially motivated" ...

But you don't need to prove they were racially motivated; people say those actions were racially motivated, and you usually just know it to be true (often when they cite supporting actions-etc.)
Reminds me of something Lord Jesus Christ said,
"Again, I say to you, that, if two of you may agree on the earth concerning anything, whatever they may ask -- it shall be done to them from my Father who is in the heavens"
meaning 'if more than one person states that a thing is true, it is known to be true.' ... it achieves Consensus

That word (the 'built' one below)—there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Consensus” is built on “With, Together + to Feel (Sense)” (not directly related to "Consent" or "Consentual," although 'Consensual' might be a good word meaning "in agreement with the Opinion of the Majority" ... 'consensus' was originally a Physiology-term for "the Accord of Different Parts in Effecting the Same Purpose"—related to Reflexology? Quantum Entanglement?).

I know this is 'big news,' but I actually got to it as 'a tangent from my main topic'—something that I discuss in a different post (coming to mind on account of a pseudo-'consensus' created by "lots-&-lots of 'texts' pointing toward a general understanding" ...

(specifically 'ads in a newspaper' leaving one with the general understanding that 'regulated substances are actually just a common item for purchase,' or 'books in a Testament' leaving one with the general understanding that 'we are all bought-&-paid-for.').

You know something about that word-history that
 I don't mention (and that probably isn't mentioned
 below)? 'Fill us in on it'- or just tell me what you
 think (or ask me about something in this- or another-
word that confuses you) with a comment below,

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