I use a Windows Vista OS on my desktop. Windows 10 is "FREE" for upgrade from Windows XP, -9, etc., but Windows Vista is 'the retarded, illegitimate cousin,' disowned from the Windows family.
Microsoft's web-browser (the name slips my mind at the moment) only works on Windows 10, like Google Chrome and most other browsers I know of (I'm not a computer-nerd, I just do all my linguistic-nerd stuff on the computer.)
So I have to use an alternative browser (one that's even more 'alternative' than Mozilla Firefox!) The first one I found was the Baidu Browser. That's okay, but I might also try out the Brave Browser.
So I downloaded the install-program. But I haven't run it yet; I was thinking I ought to look at more information on Brave to see if there were any specifics that might be crucial to keeping my computer 'safe' (from virus-programs that people sneak onto people's computers)—but now I'm thinking 'you'll only find out if you try it!'
Microsoft's web-browser (the name slips my mind at the moment) only works on Windows 10, like Google Chrome and most other browsers I know of (I'm not a computer-nerd, I just do all my linguistic-nerd stuff on the computer.)
So I have to use an alternative browser (one that's even more 'alternative' than Mozilla Firefox!) The first one I found was the Baidu Browser. That's okay, but I might also try out the Brave Browser.

Have to Be 'Brave'
That word (linked below)—I felt like there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the browser-download builds ...The word “Brave” is built on “|Bold, |Wild, |Savage” (|Cutthroat, |Villain, |Crooked, |Depraved, |Barbarous, Rash, |Moody, |Keen, |Daring).
#Braver #Bravest #Braves #Braved #Braving #Bravely #BraveNewWorld #Braw #Bravado #IndianBrave
... not that it has anything to do with 'the browser,' but
the word "Brave" always makes me think of ...
... But words are still evolving ... You know
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