@BloomDoctors #BloomHealthcare (OKC)

That word (the 'built' one below)—there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Bloom” is built on “to Thrive” (Flower, Blow, Flourishing Blossom, Superiority, Pre-Eminence, state of Greatest Lovely Beauty, Blush on the Cheek) or "Rough & Lumpy Mass of Metal."
The name (if not from one of the above foundations) stems from Blom or Bloem or Blum

Let us be the first stop on your journey to wellness 
Medical Marijuana Reccommendations in a family-friendly atmosphere. 
Bloom Healthcare, Inc.
9212 N Kelley Ave. Ste 100
Oklahoma City, OK
(405) 849-4794 | bloomdoctors.com

You know something about that word-history that
 I don't mention (and that probably isn't mentioned
 below)? 'Fill us in on it'- or just tell me what you
 think (or ask me about something in this- or another-
word that confuses you) with a comment below,

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