@Lee_Lem0n's Lingering #Pentecostal Indoctrination - #Pentecost

She's right about 'the reason Pentecostal Christianity celebrates Pentecost,' and she may even know what "Pentecost" actually was before 'the Pentecost where The Holy Spirit came to dwell within the gathered disciples'; but she defines "Pentecost" as if it was originally a Christian celebration (understandably, as that's what it is 'to the church she grew up in').

Or maybe that's just what I remember (it's been a few days) since I last saw her video about 'how some people can just drop Pentecostalism, but how most ex-Pentecostals had to "wean themselves off it" through a few other spiritual philosophies' (linked through 'the main word' below):

The word “Pentecost” carries the scent of “Fiftieth (-Day of the Omer, the Jewish Feast of Weeks scheduled at the date commanded by Yahweh)” (Five).

... But I'm still searching—You know anything about how this word developed into 'meaning something different from the meanings traced above'? Comment below!

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