My #Ensemble (What I Call 'What You Call #MultiplePersonalities')

After I died (for a few minutes), you could say I was 'reborn'—as people will commonly relate at my twice-monthly Brain-Injury Support-Group, "I had to re-learn to walk & talk & eat & everything all over again.

But that need for re-development came at a time when I needed to spend time developing 'my social-network' (not 'my Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/Yahoo!/Google/NextDoor lists,' but ... my injury happened before any of those sites were popular (if they had even been invented by then)).

No; at a time in your life where you want to 'establish yourself among friends,' I was still going through personal recovery (and probably will be–to a lesser degree–for the rest of my life) and couldn't supply any of the assistance that would've made me "a good friend" ... wasn't able to establish 'what type of friend I would be.'

I wasn't able to "play a part" in the lives of the people I grew up with. But I developed that area of my mind by watching movies & television and following the way my favorite characters associated with the ensemble.

The word “Ensemble” carries the scent of “at the Same Time (Like, Resembling, of the same Kind), with an intensive prefix” (Similar, Union of Parts Considered Together).

'Ensembles' I after which modeled my personalities:

  • MARVEL's Avengers
  • the crew of the Enterprise-D (STAR TREK: THE NEXT  GENERATION)
  • "the Scooby gang" of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • the F*R*I*E*N*D*S
  • the STAR WARS stars
  • the Pirates of the Caribbean (with Captain Jack Sparrow)
