I watched Yellow Brick Road and Beyond (a documentary about author L. Frank Baum & the development of the most-famous of his famous books into famous stage-plays and movies) on Amazon Prime the other day.
The word “Cabinet” carries the scent of “Cabin” or "Stall, Stoop, Cage, Den for Animals (Cave)" (Private Room where Advisers Meet (evolving to 'the Executive Council that Meets there'), room set aside for the Conservation & Study of Natural Specimens, Art, Antiquities etc.)
I find it possibly-offensive
that Puglese-&-co. titled
the documentary that way
and yet made no mention (that I can remember,
anyway) of the artist who propelled that
metaphor (of 'going past the famous avenue') into
the popular lexicon ... if I can find the video and embed
it here, it'll be at the top of this post 😉)
that Puglese-&-co. titled
the documentary that way
and yet made no mention (that I can remember,
anyway) of the artist who propelled that
metaphor (of 'going past the famous avenue') into
the popular lexicon ... if I can find the video and embed
it here, it'll be at the top of this post 😉)
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