#HappyIndependenceDay, #Estonia! (#Baltic State with the Capital City #Tallinn) - February 24

Bing Rewards' dashboard–in telling me about Estonia's special day–showed me that I lack knowledge about that country (knowledge that I included in the subject-line—that today is their Independence Day, that their capital city is Tallinn, and that they're a Baltic State).

I suspect that 'learning those names' origins' will help me remember their place in the world.

The name “Estonia” carries the scent of “Eesti, possibly derived from Aesti, the name that Roman Historian Tacitus gave to a Tribe in the area.”
The name “Tallinn” carries the scent of “Danish Castle or -Town.”
The name “Baltic” carries the scent of “White; Belt, Strait (in reference to the narrow entryway of the nearby sea).”
