@NYtimes tells us Why it's Not Too #Late (or at-least 'Now's as Good a Time as Any) to #impeachTrump | @MSNnews

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to New York Times' report on the upcoming impeachment trouble Trump got into when he egged-on a group of home-grown terrorists) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “|Late|” is built on ancient words that mean "to Let Go, Slacken" (as 'one who is |Sluggish, Slow, Negligent and Lazy' is too |Relaxed to Get Things Done Quickly & -is more likely to 'get things done' (or to 'have gotten things done') #Lately, Recently, in the Near Past---which is why 'Late' is also used to describe the Recently-Deceased Dead
(A woman might describe herself as 'Late' when her Menstruation isn't "on schedule"---indicating either 'the onset of Menopause' or the cycle-change brought on by Pregnancy (but if you're a lady who's 'Late,' you should have a doctor verify the reason-why before you assume anything (unless of-course the baby's on their way out now!))). 
#Later #Latest
